Everybody loves Valentine’s Day, right? Aside from cards and candies, it’s a great opportunity for parents and kids to reinforce a loving bond by participating in creative activities together. Better still, once complete, each creation brightens up your home and becomes a cherished scrapbook keepsake. Here’s a step-by-step guide for a Valentine’s Day garland that you can hang in your home as a visual symbol of your love, and it’s suitable for preschool and elementary ages. So, let’s get started making V-Day memories!


Materials Needed:

  • Colored Construction Paper (red, pink, white)
  • Scissors (safety scissors for younger children)
  • Glue Sticks
  • Markers, Crayons, or Colored Pencils
  • Stickers, Glitter, or other Decorative Items
  • Ribbon or String
  • Hole Puncher


Step One: Prepare the Hearts

  • For younger children (ages 3-6), pre-cut heart shapes from the construction paper. Older children (ages 7-12) can cut their hearts using a heart template.
  • Encourage children to use different colors and sizes for variety.


Step Two: Decorate the Hearts

  • Provide markers, crayons, and stickers for children to decorate their hearts. They can draw patterns, write messages, or add glitter for extra sparkle.
  • For older children, suggest more intricate designs or write a short Valentine’s Day messages on each heart.


Step Three: Assemble the Garland

  • Punch a hole at the top of each heart.
  • Thread a piece of ribbon or string through the holes, spacing the hearts evenly along the length of the ribbon.
  • Tie knots or use a dab of glue to keep the hearts in place.


Step Four: Display the Garland

  • Find a suitable place to hang the garland, such as a mantel, window, or doorway. This will add a festive touch to your home.
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