USA Fit Austin recently launched an independent website for its walk training program. In the past 20 years, USA Fit Austin has trained more than 1,500 members to walk their way to various 5K to full marathon finishes in a fun, non-intimidating and safe environment. The new website can be found at
USA Fit Austin’s original walking program began in 1996 to provide a training option for those who preferred to walk a half or full marathon. Since then, the program has expanded to accommodate walkers at all fitness levels. The group now includes more than 150 members and 37 coaches.
The USA Fit Austin Walking Program starts a new training season this January with three program levels: the traditional Half Marathon/Get Fit program on Jan. 9, and the Art of Fitness and 10-week 5K training programs, both on Jan. 12. Registration is available online through January 31 at