Year after year, the price of preparing a child for school increases. In 2023, parents expected to spend an average of $597 per child, according to a 2023 Deloitte Back-to-School survey. This cost is beyond the reach of thousands of low-income, working-poor families in the Austin area; however, Manos de Cristo can purchase items for children thru its Back-to-School Program at wholesale prices.

Families look forward to the Program each year, as many would be unable to obtain the tools needed to start the school year. Children can feel anxious and less confident without the same items as their peers. One mother of four children said, “This program makes my kids happy. They get excited over the new clothes and especially the backpack. Without the help from Manos, they would have to wear old clothes from last year. I can’t afford new things every year.”


The program is sponsored in part by private donors and Austin area Presbyterian churches. Anyone wishing to support the Back-to-School program, by underwriting the cost of school supplies for kids in need, can visit

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