Reviews by Pam Heller

For Younger Readers

Bits and Pieces

Bits & Pieces-Book

by Judy Schachner

This is the story of an old cat named Tink and his affectionately devoted family. Tink may be found digging in a plant, jumping into a board game, licking a stick of butter, eating rubber bands or other household items.  You see, Tink is not terribly bright but he does feel his life is filled with everything a cat could possibly want. That is, until Tink is taken to the vet after an especially “goat-like” eating adventure, and he becomes fixated by the wonders of the great outdoors. So on his 20th birthday, he sneaks out for a day of frolicking that turns into a night of confused wandering. Ultimately, he is saved by two local girls who protect him from being taken to the shelter and is returned to the loving arms of his family. Cat lovers will enjoy this heartwarming story. For ages 3 to 6.


Fall Ball

Fall Ball-Books





by Peter McCarty

Fall is a time of cool breezes, falling leaves, yellow school buses and…football! This is a delightful romp with eight primary school-aged children through an after-school pick-up game in the park complete with ball-chasing dogs and neatly raked piles of leaves. For adults, this story is a trip down a pleasant memory lane; and for children, this is an introduction to the simple pleasures to be enjoyed during the changing of seasons. The watercolor, pen-and-ink illustrations enhance the experience with crispness and whimsy. For ages 4 to 8.


For Older Readers

The Mouse With The Question Mark Tail

Mouse with Question Mark Tail-Books






by Richard Peck

Follow the adventures of Mouse Minor, an orphaned mouse living during the Victorian era, as he sets out on a quest to discover the answers to the mystery of his origin. Raised next to Buckingham Palace, he attends a prestigious school, however, he runs away when he is bullied by his classmates for being different. He encounters many dangers and ultimately finds the answers for many of his questions in the Queen’s private quarters. This story makes an engaging read-aloud experience. Enhanced by factual events, this reading journey also offers additional opportunities for historical research. For ages 8 to 12.


How to Catch a Bogle

How to Catch a Bogle-Books







by Catherine Jinks

This is the first volume in a proposed trilogy set in Victorian London. Ten-year-old Birdie McAdam loves her job… even though it is extremely dangerous. She is an apprentice to Alfred the Bogler; her job is to use her sweet singing voice to lure bogles out into the open where Alfred can kill them with his spear.  Bogles are dangerous creatures that snatch up unsuspecting orphaned children. Ms. Eames, an expert in English folklore, offers Birdie the opportunity to live with her to study music, be educated in the social graces and escape this dangerous lifestyle that is growing more treacherous with each encounter. What will the courageous Birdie decide? Are the bogles really responsible for the disappearance of children? Who can she trust? For ages 10 to 14.

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Harmony Public Schools
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2025 Statesman CAP10K
Challenger School Feb 2019
Bits & Pieces-Book
Fall Ball-Books
Mouse with Question Mark Tail-Books
How to Catch a Bogle-Books
Camp HOH and Stewart
Armstrong Community Music School
Fantastic Magic Camp
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