Why is Common Core Controversial?
Based on its name alone, one might expect the term ‘common core’ to represent something that is essential for everyone to understand. In fact, that was exactly the idea behind the creation of the Common Core State Standards Initiative in the early 2000s, more commonly...
Let’s Chat about ChatGPT
The launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT artificial intelligence (AI) platform in November 2022, has raised a number of concerns regarding the use of artificial intelligence by students. Will AI mean an end to authentic work? Will it degrade students’ abilities to think...
How to ‘Think College’ in High School
The college application process has certainly changed. While I was aware that I needed to keep my grades up in high school, I didn’t give much thought to college until I entered my junior year. Today’s students are encouraged to keep college in mind beginning in 9th...
How to Increase Your Child’s Vocabulary
At its basic level, literacy is the ability to read and write, and having a strong vocabulary is a key component of that. Without a robust databank of words, a child can struggle to make meaning of the text he encounters when reading, which makes it harder...
The Best Classroom Support for Students with ADHD
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders, affecting approximately 11% of school-aged children. While school can be stressful for a child with ADHD, a teacher can create an environment that is conducive to...
When Should You Hold Your Child Back a Grade?
Parenting comes with a giant helping of second-guessing and a large dose of pressure to get things “right.” Nowhere else is this truer than in process of helping your child on his academic journey. One question that parents sometimes must consider is whether...
Parenting the Switch From Middle School to High School
Parents are experts at worrying about their kids. It comes as no surprise, then, that parents of rising 9th graders tend to be focused more on their soon-to-be-high schoolers than themselves. Will he transition well? Will he make new friends? Will he remember...
Six Ways To Learn Through Crafting
As we hit the dog days of summer, our family ends up spending a lot more time inside, trying to escape the heat. It’s very easy for screen time to creep up when we’re home so much, so to counteract the screen sirens, I often set out big bins of crafting...
7 Ways to Get Kids Reading This Summer
I remember dreaming of summer as a kid - long days with nothing to do, popsicles, dips into cool pools and endless playdates. Never did I picture working math problems, practicing spelling or reading to get ahead! I enjoy hearing my own children wax poetic about the...
Tips for Making Closure on the School Year
Top tips for the end of the school year My mom friends and I refer to the fifth month of the year as The Month of May-hem. The time between Spring Break and the end of the school year is invariably a wild ride of final school projects, assemblies, parties, book fairs,...
Coding Offers More Benefits Than You Think
Simply put, coding is a way to communicate with a machine, and there are multiple coding languages used to tell computers to perform desired tasks. Many people think of a desktop or laptop computer when they think of coding, but in reality, coding is used...
Classical Education, Do You Have Questions?
Classical Education I’ll admit my ignorance. When charged with writing about “classical education” as an alternative to traditional public schooling, I drew a blank. My first guess was that a classical education might have something to do with studying the...