The LBJ Presidential Library will offer free admission to the nation’s active duty military personnel from Memorial Day through Labor Day 2016. The LBJ Library is joining the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum in College Station and the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museumin Dallas in honoring military families.
“We are thankful to our military service members and their families for their selfless service and sacrifice for our country,” said Mark K. Updegrove, Director of the LBJ Presidential Library.
Currently, the library has two temporary exhibits. Vietnam: Evidence of War reflects the viewpoints of soldiers and veterans, politicians and constituents, reporters and photojournalists, advocates and protesters. Open through July 31.
Vietnam: Turning Points of the War takes a look through the lens of presidential decision-making. The choices made by six American presidents played a major role in the establishment, the stability, and ultimately, the fall of South Vietnam. Open through June 26.
Additionally, visitors to the LBJ Library can step into a replica of the Oval Office, learn about the political and personal lives of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson and listen to telephone conversations as the President conducts business.