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Lead children to love Jesus, love learning, love others

Accelerated Christ-Centered Curriculum

Enrichment programs including music, choir, art and science

Interactive playgrounds, integrated technology and physical education

Serving the Austin area for over 63 years

Redeemer Lutheran School now offers a new Kinder Bridge Program designed to support 4-year old children ready to start Kindergarten but, who will not turn five by the cut-off date. In addition, the program will accommodate 5-year olds who may need an additional year of educational growth to guarantee a successful Kindergarten year.


Curriculum for the Kinder Bridge Program was developed with your child in mind to provide a joyous learning experience. Opportunities include learning by exploring, active learning, problem solving, creativity and play. With this smaller class size, your student’s needs will be directly met with differentiation and one-on-one guidance. Utilizing both the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten curriculums, the material will be tailored to meet the student, and be modified and/or extended as necessary.


Core subjects taught are language arts, math, science, social studies and faith development. Social and emotional development skills will be a priority with each student. Music, art, physical education, science enrichment and Spanish are added to increase individual achievement and overall health and well-being.


Games to learn phonemic and graph phonemic awareness skills such as rhyming games and crafting will simultaneously teach and entertain students to embrace learning. Reading comprehension will start with segmenting sounds, decoding words, and ultimately learning sight words. Math concepts will be introduced with number sequences, counting, identifying and writing numbers, and eventually adding and subtracting.

To foster an early love of writing and improve written, reading and communication skills, students will write stories in a journal. Other areas of the curriculum include building vocabulary skills with fun activities such as read-alouds, pretend-and-learn, construction, and art centers.


We hope to be a part of your child’s educational and spiritual growth, and love for Jesus.


Contact us for more information:

Redeemer Lutheran School

1500 W Anderson Lane

Austin, Texas 78757

(512) 362-6318


gram will accommodate 5-year olds who may need an additional year of educational growth to guarantee a successful Kindergarten year.


Curriculum for the Kinder Bridge Program was developed with your child in mind to provide a joyous learning experience. Opportunities include learning by exploring, active learning, problem solving, creativity and play. With this smaller class size, your student’s needs will be directly met with differentiation and one-on-one guidance. Utilizing both the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten curriculums, the material will be tailored to meet the student, and be modified and/or extended as necessary.


Core subjects taught are language arts, math, science, social studies and faith development. Social and emotional development skills will be a priority with each student. Music, art, physical education, science enrichment and Spanish are added to increase individual achievement and overall health and well-being.


Games to learn phonemic and graph phonemic awareness skills such as rhyming games and crafting will simultaneously teach and entertain students to embrace learning. Reading comprehension will start with segmenting sounds, decoding words, and ultimately learning sight words. Math concepts will be introduced with number sequences, counting, identifying and writing numbers, and eventually adding and subtracting.

To foster an early love of writing and improve written, reading and communication skills, students will write stories in a journal. Other areas of the curriculum include building vocabulary skills with fun activities such as read-alouds, pretend-and-learn, construction, and art centers.

We hope to be a part of your child’s educational and spiritual growth, and love for Jesus.


Contact us for more information:

Redeemer Lutheran School

1500 W Anderson Lane

Austin, Texas 78757

(512) 362-6318


K – 8th grade

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