Shaving cream art is a wonderful indoor craft for your little ones. It’s very versatile and kids can let their creativity run wild! Making beautiful art pieces doesn’t get much easier.


Materials needed:

  • shaving cream • food coloring • card stock • piece of cardboard • toothpick • paper towels • baking tray(s)



  1. Spray shaving cream in your baking tray or any non-porous surface you don’t mind getting messy. You can spread the shaving cream with a spoon or finger for a smoother surface if you like.
  2. Decorate your shaving cream with drops of food coloring in any pattern right on top of the shaving cream.
  3. Using a toothpick, wooden skewer, or butter knife tip, move the food coloring around the shaving cream to make a pattern. Dragging outward makes little star patterns.
  4. Carefully place a clean sheet of cardstock or paper on top of the patterned shaving cream and press down firmly with your fingers to make sure every inch of the paper is touching the shaving cream.
  5. Peel the paper off and place on a flat surface.
  6. Using another piece of cardboard or flat tool, scrape the shaving cream so that only the painted pattern transferred underneath shows.
  7. Gently dab off any remaining shaving cream from the paper with a paper towel.
  8. Let it dry and you have an awesome art piece you can frame or use as scrapbook paper or card decorations!

Provided by Terra Toys of Austin. Providing toys, gift,s and books for over 35 years.

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