Whether or not you typically run marathons over the holidays, the ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot is a beloved Austin tradition. Since 1991, Austinites have gathered the morning of Thanksgiving to spend quality time together and to work up a healthy appetite getting in their steps. Looking back at previous races, the similarities to today are striking.


Wearing an 80’s outfit that would look perfectly fashionable on any UT student today, Elinor Mire is pictured here participating in an early Turkey Trot, which began with just 600 participants. Mire was the first ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot director and an avid marathoner. Alongside her athleticism, she was a huge proponent of children’s fitness. Mire inspired a tradition that has now raised nearly $4.2 million for Caritas of Austin.

Just last year, Caritas served more than 6,700 individuals through its housing programs, education, employment, kitchen pantry and refugee services. They recently broke ground on their first residential center, which will have 171 studio apartments and supportive services.


Mire’s legacy of children’s fitness is still apparent at the annual Turkey Trot. Among the marathoners, young families can be seen running together and cheering one another on. For some participants, the Turkey Trot has been part of their lives for decades, with generations of Trot fans collecting the run T-shirts and debuting creative costumes. The 2021 Turkey Trot, pictured here, shows a marathon that managed to withstand the pandemic. ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot also added virtual viewing to the race that will still be available moving forward. For this year’s 32nd annual Turkey Trot, ThunderCloud Subs is fully back in person. Get your sneakers on and let’s run, Austin!

Dorothy Bennet is a writer and artist in Austin, TX where she runs a creative agency with her husband.

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