I looked at my son playing a game on his phone and I was shocked at what I saw. This wasn’t about what he was playing or an inappropriate pop-up on his phone. It wasn’t even about how much screen time he had. When I saw my son, I couldn’t believe how he was sitting. His neck and shoulders were hunched forward, his face close to the phone as his fingers moved across the screen. Before I could even think of what it reminded me of, I caught my reflection in the window and saw I was hunched forward, and I wasn’t even working at my computer. With increased screen time both at home and school, we need help with our posture now more than ever. Even young kids and toddlers can suffer from poor posture. As your kids prepare to go back to school, it is the perfect time to implement some small changes that can make a big difference in their posture. Better yet, do it as a family and everyone will be standing straighter in no time.


Rule out a medical issue.

Routine exams from the pediatrician and scoliosis screenings from the school nurse are an important part of your child’s postural health. These trained medical professionals will look for any indication of spinal abnormality as well as other posture issues in hips, gait and more. Have a conversation with the doctor at your child’s next well-check appointment about any potential concerns.


Let kids move.

This starts with even the youngest kids. Opportunities to move and be mobile help your child develop the muscles he needs for proper growth and posture. Movement habits are being developed even in the diaper-wearing years. Give your child the opportunity to move around and be active. This is essential for his development.


Keep moving.

As kids get older, there is a tendency to become more sedentary. This is especially true with increased time in school. Make sure your kids take movement breaks whenever they can, even if it’s just to stretch. The opportunity to stand up, stretch and get back to work provides a reset for the body that can remedy the slouching that comes with time.


Sit well.

Different seating options can help with posture issues. Using a backless chair allows a child to strengthen the back and torso muscles, which is better for his posture. Alternatively, dynamic sitting using a balance chair or exercise ball as a seat is another way to engage the muscles that help with posture.


Line it up.

Alignment is key when working on electronics or watching screens. Make sure that the screen is at the right height, so your child won’t be slumped over. If you suspect it is an issue in school, ask the teacher about it and suggest stacking some books under his computer to ensure the screen is at eye level.


Move around.

Incorporate longer movement times in the day. Typically, after 30 minutes of sitting, people should get up and move around for some time to foster healthy movement. This can be a longer stretch break, a different activity, a walk around the block or some dance time set to music.


Get the right backpack.

Carrying a backpack that doesn’t fit well or is overloaded can strain a child’s back. More than just uncomfortable, it can result in posture issues throughout the day and beyond. Ensure your child’s backpack fits well, resting evenly on his shoulders with the straps adjusted so the pack sits at or above his hips. If your child has more to carry, try using a second bag to hold rather than adding more to the backpack. If your child’s school provides lockers, remind your son or daughter to utilize them to minimize the stress of a heavy bag.



“With increased screen time both at home and school, kids need help with their posture now more than ever. Even young kids and toddlers can suffer from poor posture.”



Teach them about their body.

Help your child understand his body and how it functions well. Yoga stretches for kids are a great way to raise awareness and provide opportunities for stretching and deep breathing. Help your child picture his body as being well-grounded on his sitz bones. Use a YouTube yoga tutorial to teach your child how to breathe up through the top of the head. This will teach him to lengthen his spine without being forced into a rigid position.


Involve the family.

Make good posture about good body movement for the whole family. You can even arrange a secret family signal to remind one another to get up and stretch or pull that head up and shoulders back. The more you do together, the more likely good posture habits will stick.

Rebecca Hastings is a freelance writer and mom. Check out her work at www.rebeccahastings.net


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