Your child wakes up with a sore throat, you begin an internal debate about whether to keep your child home or send him to school. You feel caught in a dilemma. On one side, you do not want your child to struggle through the school day because he doesn’t feel well, but on the other side, having your child catch up on school work and taking a day off of work yourself can be difficult if your child feels fine after getting his day started. How can a parent know when it’s best to keep a child home to rest and reduce the risk of spreading illness to other children? Let’s look at common symptoms and consider when to send a child to school and when to keep him home.


Symptom – Fever

If your child wakes up with a fever over 101 degrees, he should stay home from school. Giving ibuprofen or acetaminophen will help bring your child’s fever down. The temperature should be taken before medicine is given to determine if your child should go to school that day or not. A child with a fever is most likely contagious, so he should stay home.


Symptom – Sore throat

If your child has a mild sore throat due to allergies, she is well enough to attend school. If the sore throat is severe, it could be strep throat and you should take your child to a doctor. If your child tests positive for strep throat, she should be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school to avoid spreading illness.


Symptom – Pink eye (conjunctivitis)

Pink eye is contagious. If your child has yellow/green discharge coming out of his eye or the white of the eye is a pink color, then your child should stay home until he sees a doctor. Most schools will require a note from a physician stating the child is well enough to return to school or that the child must take antibiotic eye drops for 24 hours before attending school.


Symptom – Headache

If your child wakes with a headache but does not have a fever, it is safe to send her to school. However, if your child is fatigued or has symptoms besides a mild headache, she may be sick and need to stay home and rest.


Symptom – Rash

If your child has an unknown rash, keep him home until you are able to see a doctor to determine the cause. Rashes can be caused by many things; some are contagious. If you know the cause of the rash, such as ringworm or impetigo, use the appropriate measures to ensure classmates are safe.


Symptom – Earache

If your child has ear pain and no other symptoms, she is not contagious and can technically go to school. If the ear pain is causing discomfort, loss of sleep, or a fever, staying home to recuperate may be the best choice.

Symptom – Tummy troubles

If your child has diarrhea or is vomiting, keep him home from school. Not only is he contagious, but he is not up for his usual routine anyway.


Symptom – Cold symptoms

If your child has mild cold symptoms such as a clear runny nose or a mild sore throat, then she is allowed to attend school. While cold symptoms rarely affect the ability to participate in normal activities, a child may be contagious. Take care to practice frequent hand washing, cover that cough, and get dirty tissues in the trash can.


Symptom – Cough

You cannot keep your kids home from school and activities every time they cough, but children with a severe cough should stay home from school. Likewise, children experiencing shortness of breath or wheezing should stay home and see the family doctor.


Use common sense when deciding whether or not to send your child to school. For example, if you saw another child with the same symptoms at school, would you want them to be around your healthy child? If your child has extreme fatigue or generally feels unwell, he may be sick, and it would be best for the child to rest at home. As parents, it is better to be safe than sorry. When in doubt, keep your children home until they return to their active, typical selves.



Sarah Lyons is a freelance writer and mom of six children, including triplets. She enjoys reading, writing, and spending time outdoors with her family.

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