You can’t handle the truth

You can’t handle the truth

You can't handle the truth 2013-08-31 Author: Mimi Burleson It’s official: I’m pregnant. Not that I haven’t been pregnant for the past six months, but now I feel pregnant. I’m finally feeling the “joys” of pregnancy, as they say. Which, by the way, is completely...

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Sticker Shock

Sticker Shock

Sticker shock 2013-06-27 At some point during the last decade, a memo went out to families across America demanding they rush out and purchase stick figure decals for their car windows so the entire world knows exactly how many people, and which genders, comprise...

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Dear Dad’s diary: volume 2

Dear Dad’s diary: volume 2

Dear Dad’s diary: volume 2 2013-05-29 Author: Shannon Cook Dear Dad’s diary, Major journal update - I’ve increased the size of my child army from one to two. Two is an interesting number. A two-year-old child is two times as likely to cause a stress-induced heart...

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Mother knows best

Mother knows best

Mother knows best 2013-04-30 Author: Mimi Burleson  It’s inevitable. No matter how much we try to avoid it, we eventually turn into our mothers. Maybe not completely, but we definitely take on traits - the traits that we absolutely despised as kids. It doesn’t...

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Dear Dad’s diary: volume 1

Dear Dad’s diary: volume 1

Dear Dad’s diary: volume 1 2013-03-26 Author: Shannon Cook  • When I tell people my son is named Dexter, their immediate follow-up is, “OH MY GOSH I LOVE THAT SHOW.” I know you do, ma’am. We all do. It is without a doubt the most popular show in the history of...

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Green with envy

Green with envy

Green with envy 2013-02-26 Author: Mimi Burleson  I’m not a jealous parent. Well, not really. Your child can read? No problem, mine will read soon. Your child can ride a bike without training wheels? Well, my son would rather skateboard. Your child likes...

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The labor of love

The labor of love

The labor of love 2013-02-01 Author: Mimi Burleson  It’s the month of love! And while I try to convince myself that Valentine’s Day is a completely overrated Hallmark holiday, I secretly love it. My sister and I used to wake up every Valentine’s morning to find...

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The lousiest blessing

The lousiest blessing

The lousiest blessing 2013-01-02 Author: Lela Davidson  My stomach dropped when I saw the first sesame seed scurry into my daughter’s fluffy mop of hair. I didn’t yet know that the translucent bug foretold a full infestation. That’s what lice do. She had been...

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Raising effective cheaters

Raising effective cheaters

Raising effective cheaters 2012-11-26 Author: Clay Nichols    Recently I’ve heard lots of parents expressing concerns about the prevalence of cheating in our society. These moms and dads point to elite sports and even the most prestigious institutions of...

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Real family movies: the sequel

Real family movies: the sequel

Real family movies: the sequel 2012-10-29 Author: Clay Nichols  In the months leading up to the holiday season, parents and kids alike are bombarded with ads for upcoming family films. As is Hollywood’s way these days, most of the offerings will be sequels,...

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Bragging 101

Bragging 101

Bragging 101 2012-09-28 Author: Clay Nichols  Stop it. Don’t pretend you don’t like bragging about your kids; we all do. Two things that are equally hard to do: not screaming at your kids in private and not boasting about them in public. Facebook has made it so,...

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Sibling rivalry: SOLVED!

Sibling rivalry: SOLVED!

Sibling rivalry: SOLVED! 2012-08-28 Author: Clay Nichols  I have to give my kids credit for doing a reasonable job of coexisting in our household. We still have three kids, which is exactly the number we birthed, so I’d say they’re doing pretty well. They...

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