(Mis)adventures in Potty Training
I’d describe myself as an “average” parent, somewhere between hand crafting organic applesauce and leaving my kid in a closet all day. I’m also woefully unprepared for certain toddler milestones. The one we are tackling now is potty training. A Google search produced...
Sippy Cup Lessons
Disclaimer: I actually do love being a stay-at-home mom. I remember the day my toddler graduated from sippy cups to regular cups like it was yesterday—mostly because it was yesterday, which is nice because pregnancy brain has erased all memories more than two weeks...
The Yoga Pants Experiment
Disclaimer: I actually do love being a stay-at-home mom. I recently watched the 2015 film “The Stanford Prison Experiment,” which tells the harrowing tale of its 1971 namesake. The study examined the psychological effects on prisoners and guards, and basically stuff...
Family’s First Zoo Day
My son is in a stuffed animal phase. He carries them around the house as he completes his daily activities: knocking the books off shelves and splashing in the dogs’ water bowl. He hoards them in bed at night, sings to them and gives them sweet kisses. So, you can...
A Father’s Day Dilemma
How do you find gifts for someone who is the complete opposite of you in every conceivable way? As humans, we show love in the way we like to receive it; we speak our own love language, because it’s what we know. For example, my toddler shows his love for me by...
Pregnancy: Just as Great the Second Time Around
Warning: This article contains references to bodily fluids emitted during a woman’s first trimester of pregnancy. I worked full-time while pregnant with my son. I got up at 5 a.m. and took a park-and-ride bus that smelled like feet and old sandwiches, all the while...
Don’t Get Too Comfortable
The biggest mistake you can make as a parent is to get comfortable. I remember the day I sealed my fate all too well: my son was asleep before bedtime, the house was clean, dinner was made and I was settling down with a glass of wine. I thought to myself, I’ve finally...
Like Mother, Like Son
What do you do when your child turns out just like you? When my son was born, everyone said, “He looks just like his dad!” And my insides boiled, because I spent nine months looking like a stuffed sausage for that child. I even sacrificed my innie belly button. I...
My Household Operates Firmly in the 21st Century
Last year, my aunt passed on to me a book that once belonged to my great grandmother: “The Standard Book of Recipes and Housewife’s Guide,” edited by Alice A. Johnson, Janet McKenzie Hill and Dr. Henry Hartshorne. Beneath its faded crimson cover, I discovered a world...
My Baby’s First Non-Well Check
The first time my son was truly sick, he came down with RSV, and I was sure the entire family was going to die. But I survived—not just RSV, but the stages of a child’s first illness. Stage 1: Fear. One day out of nowhere, my baby’s flushed face and red, angry eyes...
Surviving Toddlerhood
I’ve recently been introduced to the latest stage in my child’s development, and I can now officially call him a terror toddler. My son decided to finally get on the developmental milestone train and walk at 17 months, and with that change has come an entirely new...
I’ll Have What the Cat’s Having: How My Semester Abroad Expanded My Palate
Go see the world, they said. Eat amazing food, they said. Don’t get taken, they said. Yes, the semester I studied abroad unfortunately coincided with Liam Neeson’s hit movie “Taken.” Rest assured, I was not taken, but something was: my dignity. I, Carrie Taylor, was...