Is Your Family Overcommitted?

Is Your Family Overcommitted?

  Q My husband and I have three children, ages fifteen, eleven and nine. I’m worried that our kids will get involved in so many school and extracurricular activities that our family will be overcommitted this fall. How can we tell if we’ve created a lifestyle...

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Easing Into Changing Schools

Easing Into Changing Schools

  Q Our son Dennis, who is 11 years old loves his elementary school. He doesn’t want to switch to middle school this fall. I think he’s worried about losing his friends and having to make new ones in an unfamiliar setting.  He is having trouble sleeping and his...

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Etiquette When Visiting Grandparents

Etiquette When Visiting Grandparents

    Q My wife and I and our two children will be visiting my parents next month who live out of state, and we don’t see them often. I want the visit to go well. I want my parents to have a good impression of our kids during and after our time with them. What...

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What is Antifragile Parenting?

What is Antifragile Parenting?

  Q My wife and I are parents of a one-year-old girl and are expecting another child. We want our children to learn how to be courageous and self-reliant. We don’t want to be “helicopter parents”…those who hover over their children and constantly try to smooth...

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Loneliness in Kids

Loneliness in Kids

  Q My 13-year-old son Sam recently told me that he is feeling lonely. Before the isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sam had friends that he interacted with in person every day. Then suddenly their in-person interactions were shut off and gradually he and his...

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The Power of Positive Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking

  Q  I’m a single mother. My daughter Vivian is a freshman in high school. She doesn’t want to go to school any more. She uses a lot of negative self-talk such as, “I’m stupid. I’m dumb. I just can't do the school work.” She procrastinates doing schoolwork or...

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What Can You Expect from Family Counseling?

What Can You Expect from Family Counseling?

Q My best friend and her husband are struggling with how to help their daughter, Amber, age 14. Amber is slipping out of the house at night, skipping school, not following rules and possibly doing drugs. I wonder if doing family therapy would help them. What could...

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Why Books and Libraries are Still Important

Why Books and Libraries are Still Important

  Q We have eight-year-old twin boys who are in the 3rd grade. My husband works in the software technology field and thinks books and the need for dictionaries are obsolete. I disagree and make sure each of the boys has a set of their favorite books. I still read...

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How Does Remarriage Affect Kids

How Does Remarriage Affect Kids

Q I’m planning to get remarried in April. I have two children, ages five and nine. My fiancé has a daughter who is 14 years old.  I’m wondering what kind of behaviors my children and his child might exhibit before and after the wedding, especially when we all move in...

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Help Your Child Nix the Nightmares

Help Your Child Nix the Nightmares

  Q Our son Matthew is seven years old and has begun to have scary nightmares. He has dreams about being kidnapped and hidden in a closet where no one can find him. How common are nightmares in kids? What causes kids to have nightmares and what can parents do to...

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Manners Still Matter

Manners Still Matter

  Q.  My sister’s ten-year-old son, Travis seems to have no manners at all. “Please” and “thank you” are not part of his vocabulary, and he has great fun belching as a means of communication. My sister is being deployed by the Red Cross for three weeks, so Travis...

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Beyond Temper Tantrums: What is ODD?

Beyond Temper Tantrums: What is ODD?

  Q We have a nine-year-old son who has just been diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). We were told from the time he was three that he was just “strong-willed.” How can a parent or professional tell the difference between a “strong-willed child”...

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Switch Willo
Club Z
Mad Science
Idea Lab Summer
Armstrong Community Music School
Country Home Learning
UT RTF Summer Camp
Camp HOH and Stewart
Master Gohring
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