Does My Child Have Scoliosis?
Scoliosis affects about 1 in every 40 people according to the National Scoliosis Foundation. The term scoliosis is derived from the ancient Greek word skolios, which means bent or crooked. Scoliosis is a deformity of the spine—instead of being straight, it curves...
Parents: The Latest Information About Infant Sleep
New Parents: The Wrong Advice About Infant Sleep Could Be Deadly Even after the successful “Back to Sleep” campaign decades ago, about 3,500 babies still die each year from sleep-related deaths in the United States. To help reduce these infant deaths, the...
Choose Holiday Gifts With Eye Health In Mind
Make eye health a priority when choosing holiday gifts for your child. Some toys have the potential to cause serious eye injury and permanent vision loss. According to the National Library Science of Medicine, over a 23-year period about 1.5 million children were...
Be Prepared and Plan Ahead: Fire Safety Tips
How do I test a smoke alarm to see if it’s working properly? Find the smoke alarm’s test button and press it. If working properly, you’ll hear a very loud beep. If the sound is weak or there isn’t a sound, it’s time to replace your batteries, or the whole device if...
Did You Know You Can Use College Savings Before College?
An email recently appeared in my inbox that mentioned college education plans that can help pay for kindergarten through high school, ahead of college. As a mom of two school-age kids, I was curious to learn more. So, I asked lawyer and tax expert Mary Morris to clear...
9 Tips for Coping with Childhood Sleep Challenges
Not all babies and toddlers are alike when it comes to sleep. Some children go to sleep easily but wake up during the night several times. Others have a tough time going to sleep but sleep all night long. Babies can experience sleep regression – a period of time when...
What Parents Need To Know About PANDAS Disorder
What if your child suddenly developed obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), tics, severe anxiety and hyperactivity? These symptoms could be associated with an autoimmune disorder called PANDAS. What Is PANDAS? PANDAS stands for pediatric autoimmune...
Thyroid Awareness Month: What Parents Need to Know
January is thyroid awareness month. Most people know how important the heart, lungs, and kidneys are to our health. But have you considered the crucial role of the thyroid gland? The hormone released by this gland is integral to proper functioning of the heart,...
Sleep Hygiene and Daylight Saving
Reevaluate Your Child’s Sleep Needs When You Reset Your Clock Daylight savings time ends on Sunday, November 6 and we must set our clocks back one hour. Although we don’t actually lose an hour of our day, it may feel like it for parents who have trouble getting their...
6 Myths About Speech and Language in Children
If you’re concerned about your child’s speech, you’ve probably done some research – and chances are, you’ve also gotten some advice (solicited or not) from friends and family. There is a lot of information out there, some of which is misguided or just plain wrong. As...
What Your Child Needs To Know About Dogs
Here’s a “safety talk” to have with your child: what to do when interacting with dogs. You’ve probably had many conversations about how to cross the street, how to deal with strangers and other safety concerns. But what are you teaching her about staying safe around...
What To Do if Your Child Faces Mental Health Struggles
Are you concerned about your teen’s mental health? If you are, you are not alone. The CDC found that mental health in high school students is getting worse. More than 1 in 3 students couldn’t participate in regular activities due to feelings of sadness or...