Developmental Milestones Parents Actually Care About

As my second child continues to grow and develop—the latter term being used loosely, as he is behind in more than one category—I’m forced to conclude that I’ve birthed underachievers. And that’s okay. I love them anyway.  But when my pediatrician recommended we take...

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In Which I Demonstrate My Athletic Prowess

I played myriad sports growing up, and I tried to be athletic. I really did.   As a youngling, I played soccer in the street. In middle school I ran track, and in high school I secured a spot on the volleyball team. It should be noted, however, that the capstone...

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It’s Been Real, Summer

Before having kids, and before assuming really any adult responsibilities, summer was a time of limitless joy, limitless possibilities and limitless junk food. As a college student and young professional, my friends and I would dream up extravagant vacations, then...

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Potty Training: Not an Outdoor Pursuit

Even though I read several books (“read” may be aggressive—I at least skimmed the inside cover of each) as well as dozens of blog posts on potty training, nothing could have prepared me for the real thing.   There were several times I felt like calling it quits...

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Items I Wish Had Tracking Devices

As someone who routinely misplaces…everything, I fully appreciate the existence of GPS trackers used to keep tabs on your keys, wallet, phone, children, etc. But honestly, since having kids I can think of a million better uses for those types of devices. For the sake...

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Anthem of a Soggy Mom

I follow a few moms on Instagram whom I would describe as “crunchy.” If you’re not familiar with the term, it’s used to describe a lifestyle involving a lot of health foods (like granola, hence the epithet), general respect and enthusiasm for the environment and...

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3 Things You Shouldn’t Say to a Mom 

You could say this list applies to humans in general, but we moms have an extra dose (or five) of hormones ruining our emotional stability, so take extra care not to say these three things to us: Comments on our appearance. “You look tired,” says the grocery store...

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3 Ways to Trick Your Toddler

Before I had kids, I looked down on pregnant women and families with kids chowing down on fries and burgers. I’d smirk smugly to myself and think, When I’m pregnant, I’ll only eat organic, and my kids will be born eating kale. I was naïve and didn’t know the first...

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All I Want For Valentine’s Day is (Not) You

Dear husband (and children), Please do not take this personally, but I would prefer to not see you on Valentine’s Day. If you are stuck on what to buy as a gift, or what grand gesture to perform, please know I am easy. Skip the chocolate and roses (boring), and just…...

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A Better Life Through Sleep Deprivation

Nothing prepares you for the newborn night terrors. I’m talking those long nights of being awoken every other hour by your new baby, going cross-eyed while trying to stay awake during a breastfeeding session and watching your husband sleep peacefully just inches...

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5 Reasons Why Santa Actually Is Terrifying

Maybe your child adores Santa Claus and has loved taking pictures with him since infancy. If so, this piece is not for you. It’s for the rest of us: the optimists, the believers—each year we take our kids to see Santa, hopeful we’ll snap the perfect shot, only to...

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The Actual Stages of Pregnancy

As I near the end of my second pregnancy, I have been reflecting on the journey that is childbearing. Yes, there are technically three trimesters, but I think pregnancy is better described in more than three stages. The “I’m Pregnant! This Room Smells Like Cheese”...

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Armstrong Community Music School
Fantastic Magic Camp
Camp HOH and Stewart
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