Fool-proof Methods For Getting Your Baby to Sleep

Before my son settled into a (relatively) predictable sleep schedule, trying to get him to sleep often felt like trying to trick my husband into eating vegetables. There were a lot of screaming, late-night beverages to sweeten the deal and tears. So many tears. But...

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Hot and Sweaty: Breastfeeding in Public

I was at a doctor’s appointment and had to do it. You know, it. Flash my scandalous lady parts in public for the nourishment of my 2-month-old son. Whoever told me that breastfeeding in public was simple should go hide in the sand for the rest of eternity. Those...

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Keep Calm or Run Away

Someone help me someone help me someone help me, was my internal monologue during my first experience with vacation Bible school. Surrounded by children. Small ones, who kept hugging me. For context: I have a one-year-old baby who is perfectly content with chewing on...

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Kids Still Make Me Nervous

  I’m not a “kid person.” I spent most of my life thinking kids were little aliens who could attack at any moment, and my best defense was to avoid eye contact. Any interaction I did have resulted in palm-moistening awkwardness. What can we talk about? Do you...

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Memories of Vacation Mom

It was a hot, sweaty morning in Houston, Texas, during the summer of ’99, and my sister and I were preparing ourselves for a guest. See, this guest never lived with us in our home, but she always showed up around vacation time – usually the morning of or the night...

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Please, No Video Consoles This Mother’s Day

As Mother’s Day approaches, I can’t help but look back on days past, when I attempted to show my own mother gratitude by gifting her with items I thought she would enjoy and appreciate, like Tupperware and ceramic bowls. How kind of me, I thought, to provide my mother...

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Birdmom or (The Unexpected Virtue of Being a Stay-at-Home Mom)

Not all women are meant to be stay-at-home moms. (Likewise, not all men are built to be stay-at-home dads.) It is a career path with a unique set of challenges you must overcome—most involve being more open to talking to yourself and admitting you actually enjoy...

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The Strange Case of Grand-Mania

Grandparents are awesome. They swoop your sweet offspring away for weekends at a time and provide much needed wisdom and parental experience. There is no question as to whether the grandparents in your life love your children. I am sure they love them a lot, and it...

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It’s a Flower-Candy-Teddy Bear Extravaganza

Valentine’s Day is near, which means all stay-at-home parents who watch daytime TV have something to look forward to: Valentine’s Day commercials. There is just something so American about watching the same ads every year, recycled with new actresses—the blond or...

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New Year, New Me!

Last year my resolution – also known as the thing I wrote down in my journal and forgot about the next day – was to “not worry so much.” Considering that a year later I am consumed on a daily, if not hourly, basis by misgivings about whether I am nursing long enough,...

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Bottom Line: I’m Pooped

As a new mom, I read lots of books and neat parenting blogs that promised to prepare me for keeping my precious cherub alive and happy, but nothing warned me about what hid inside the diaper. That’s right; I’m talking about newborn poo, in all its raging, explosive...

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Rattling the Cage

My cousin is a full-time nanny, and she recently posted a hilarious video on Instagram in which she and her five-year-old charge engaged in a lively debate about Doc McStuffins. It ended in uproarious laughter by all parties. The caption under the video read,...

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Tara Pit
Switch Willo
Fantastic Magic Camp
Country Home Learning
Mad Science
Camp HOH and Stewart
Master Gohring
Armstrong Community Music School
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